
Forge of empires great building notre dame
Forge of empires great building notre dame

forge of empires great building notre dame

But this equation requires inflow (new players joining) and out flow (removing the quit players from the system).Ģ. so, a bronze age player will have difficulty in building other than bronze age GBs and so on. Though the higher level B.Ps can be found with the help of contributing other GBs or motivation/polish/plunder but the goods required is normally difficult to achieve unless you get in to that age or get higher age goods from guild members (without paying F.Ps) /friends (by paying 1 F.P per transaction) by giving them double the amount of Goods from the previous ages or plunder the higher aged players etc. Each great buildings are related to a particular age and its construction needed both the blue prints and necessary goods. I don't think Great Buildings will ever be obsolete in its values or the very purpose they were built. Whereas the other GBs with fixed values, the ones giving fixed happiness, fixed population or fixed coins/supplies will eventually lose their effectiveness unless you replace them with a %. In summary, we already have most GBs scaling and will always remain useful throughout the ages - all the military buildings, St.Marks, Lighthouse, Royal Albert Hall, these will always be wanted because they automatically scale with ages Lighthouse of Alexandria and Royal Albert Hall are also scaling because they also use a % to boost supplies which will always be useful later ages too, I didn't mean to buff the current fixed values by a % but to replace the fixed value by one so for example Tower of Babel at Level 5 could provide 10% of total population, Level 6 12%, Level 7 14%, Level 8 16%, Level 9 18% and finally Level 10 20%, this means that no matter which ages you progress to you will keep the same increased ratio. Sorry I wasn't clear in my previous statement, I meant to change the likes of tower of babel to the way the other GBs function such as St.Marks (% of coins boost), military buildings share the same "scaling", if one provides 15% attack / defence it will always be useful throughout the ages.

Forge of empires great building notre dame